Baby Names

When you find out thatyou're going to have a baby, choosing a name may be one of the first things you think about. It is a big decision, after all! Getting started with the initial name brainstorm can feel overwhelming, and narrowing down your list may prove difficult. It's important to choose a name that you love and will be happy calling your child for years to come. Reading about the meaning,origins, and popularity of different baby names is a good way to get started on your quest to choose the best name for your little one.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do you properly name a baby?

    You can name your baby anything you'd like, but there are a few things to keep in mind whenselecting the perfect name. First, you may want your baby's name tohave some kind of significance to you. Consider names from yourfamily's cultural heritageor name your baby after a historical figure you look up to. You may choose a name based on meaning or because you like the way it rolls of your tongue. You might also consider what your baby's full initials will be and what possible not-so-nice nicknames might be associated with their name (and avoid them!).

  • Do baby names affect personality?

    The name you choose for your babymay shape parts of their personality, though it's hard to say how much. Outside perception of a name can have an impact on how a child develops. For example, research indicates that people with names that are easier to pronounce confer truthiness, or are assumed to be more credible than those with harder to pronounce names.Additionally, how teachers pronounce students' names can have a negative effect on that student's identity. Whether the mispronunciation was accidental or not, kids might feel embarrassed or shame surrounding their language or culture.These experiences can in turn influence your child's character.

  • When should you name your baby?

    Choosing a baby name can take plenty of time and thought, so it may be a good idea to start brainstorming as soon as you find out you are going to have a baby. Some parents may want to wait until they learn the baby's sex to come up with names. Others go withgender-neutral names. You may want to narrow down your list sometime duringthe third trimester, or as you get within a few months offinalizing an adoption. You can wait until you see your child's face for the first time if you'd like, but it's a good idea to have a few ideas listed out before that point.

  • What should you not name your child?

    Whenchoosing a baby name, think forward into the future. Aname that sounds cutefor a child but wouldn't be so cute for an adult may not be the best choice, for example. You may want to avoid names that put an unnecessary burden on your child. Depending on where you live, there may be laws forbidding certain name aspects, like profanities or the use of numbers of symbols in a name's spelling.Use your judgment to decide whether ababy name适合您的孩子。

  • Are nicknames bad for kids?

    Nicknames aren't necessarily bad, but it's important to pay attention to how your child responds to their nickname. If they respond positively, it's likely fine to continue calling them that. But if they respond negatively when called by their nickname or ask you to stop, it's important to respect their decision. As they grow, nicknames do have the possibility to negatively affect a child's self-image.

    If your child's nickname is a shortened version of their full name, such as Nick forNicholasor Ellie forEleanor, it's unlikely to do any harm. But, pet names like Cookie or Smalls may not carry over as well intomiddle childhood, when your child needs to create a more grown-up self-image.

  • Can you wait to name your baby?

    If you want to wait until you have looked into yournew baby'seyes to name them, you can. You can even wait a little longer until you have gotten to know them a bit. But, before you leave the hospital, you will most likely have to submit the paperwork foryour child's birth certificate. At that point, you'll need something to write on the line.

    You don't need to come into the labor and delivery unit with a name ready, but you should have a few ideas prepared. Brainstorming names that you like or that have significance to you and weeding out names that just don't sound right may take the pressure off when it'stime to make the final decision.

Key Terms

Page Sources
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  1. Newman EJ, Sanson M, Miller EK, Quigley-McBride A, Foster JL, Bernstein DM, Garry M.的人更容易to pronounce names promote truthiness of claims.PloS one.2014;9(2):e88671. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088671

  2. National Education Association.The lasting impact of mispronouncing students' names.

  3. US Birth Certificates.US naming laws by state.

  4. Child Research Net.The social effects of nicknames - papers & essays.

  5. Social Security Administration.Popular baby names.