Baby Poses for Stunning Baby Portraits

Sleeping Newborn Baby in Basket

Julie Fairman / E+ / Getty Images

把自己的孩子可以是一个肖像great way to save money, but many parents struggle to come up with ideas for baby poses.

Safety First

Infants need constant supervision, which you may not be able to provide if you're behind the camera. To keep ababy portraitsession safe, have someone on hand who can act as a spotter.

Baby Poses by Age

Every child develops at a different rate, but here are some general guidelines to use in regards to what you can realistically expect for baby picture poses:

  • 0 to 3 months.At this point, your baby is basically a rag doll. They will need to beheld or supportedfor almost any pose.
  • 3 to 6 months.Now, your baby can hold up their head on their own. Supports will still be needed for almost all baby picture poses, however.
  • 6 to 9 months.At this point, yourbaby can sit up. This allows you to tackle slightly more complicated poses, but it doesn't necessarily mean your baby is going to hold still for very long.
  • 9 to 12 months.Your baby can pull themselves up and may be able to walk. Unfortunately, their newfound mobility may mean they'll spend most of their time trying to run away from your camera. For the best happy baby poses, you'll want to incorporate interesting toys into the shot. These props may entice your baby to hold still long enough for the picture!

Ideas for Baby Poses

What types of baby poses can you use when your child has limited mobility? Here are a few suggestions:

  • Baskets.A newborn baby nestled in a fuzzy blanket tucked inside a wicker basket makes for an adorable portrait.
  • Bathtub.Nudity in baby photos isn't for everyone, but posing a baby in an old-fashioned metal bathtub with a rubber ducky close by can make for a sweet portrait.
  • Blocks or Benches.Having your baby lay on top of large blocks or a bench can provide a sense of scale for a portrait, illustrating just how tiny your precious bundle of joy really is.
  • Car Seat.Put your child's car seat to work by covering it with the fabric you wish to use as your photo backdrop.
  • Over the Shoulder.Have a friend stand facing away from you, with your baby looking over his shoulder.
  • Cradling.Snap a picture of a family member looking down at your baby as his head is cradled in their hands.
  • Sleeping.Most novice photographers want to get a picture of the baby when they are awake, but ababy sleepingon their tummy makes for an adorable shot. Try a picture of a parent with an arm wrapped around the baby for a variation on this baby portrait pose.

Whatever pose you choose for your baby portraits, remember to get down to your child's level before you snap the photo. Close up shots of your baby are much more interesting than shots where you appear to be looking down at your child.

Experiment with various angles; changing the perspective slightly can give one baby pose several different looks.

In addition to portraits that show your baby's face, you may wish to take a few shots of his tiny hands and feet. When your son is a teenager with a bigger shoe size than his father, these pictures will be great sentimental keepsakes.

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  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.CDC's developmental milestones.

ByDana Hinders
Dana Hinders is a freelance writer who has published several articles on photography, creative writing, scrapbooking, and paper crafting.