Fathers' Rights Groups in the U.S.

Sources for Guidance, Emotional Support and More

Family courtsattempt to make decisions on what'sbest for the child. However, there are times when even the best judge falls vulnerable to stereotyped thinking. From the 19th century up to the 1960s, courts tended to follow the "tender years" doctrine. This doctrine presumed that younger children were better off living with their mother, who was assumed to be the more nurturing parent.

Since the 1960s, all 50 states have adopted a gender-neutral "best-interest standard" for determining custody. Yet some people argue that the biases of the tender years doctrine persist, since only one in six custodial parents in America are fathers.

Similarly, people used to think that most men weren't interested inactive parenting. Many fathers want to actively be involved in their children's lives—they want to help them learn survival and life skills, encourage them, build their self-esteem, teach them responsibility, and help them be a team player.

Fathers today still need support when experiencing divorce andchild custodyproceedings.

There are several organizations around the country that focus on supporting and maintaining fathers' rights, both in family courts and through legislative action. Fathers' rights organizations help educate fathers on their rights andaction plans for shared custody. Additionally, father-involved custody encourages men to create strong relationships with their kids.

American Coalition for Fathers and Children

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Christopher Futcher/Getty Images

TheAmerican Coalition for Fathers and Children(ACFC) is an advocacy organization in support of shared parenting. The ACFC works closely with pro-family and civil liberties groups throughout the country in an effort to promote equal rights for both parents in family courts throughout the U.S.

The group also works to help shape family law legislation and raise public awareness around the issue of children needing both parents.

The efforts of organizations like this are useful in the fight for equal rights for both men and women.

Removing traditional parental stereotypes will help both parents achieve a fair settlement and access to their children.

The ACFC challenges the current American family law and policy system. Its tagline, "Kids need fathers—not visitors," lends itself to its mission of family law reform for the interest of children and society. According to the organization, most fathers separated from their children want to be with them. Since 1996, the ACFC has helped promote equal rights for all parties affected by divorce.

Children's Rights Council

TheChildren's Rights Council(CRC) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1985. The CRC is a strong advocate for the active involvement of both parents in raising a child. They’re so dedicated to this idea that their tagline is "The Best Parent is Both Parents."

In pursuit of social and legal justice, CRC serves to protect the best interest of children in custody cases. They strive to facilitate regular interactions between non-custodial parents and their children and also advocate for child custody reform.

The Children's Rights Council has multiple service locations in Maryland. The organization offers services related to:

  • Access and transfer centers
  • Monitored exchange and supervised parenting time (visitation)
  • Pre- and post-service facilitation
  • Parental and family education
  • Domestic education and training for parents and guardians
  • Mediation
  • Parent/child and/or sibling visits for children in different homes

The National Parents' Organization

Originally called "Fathers and Families," theNational Parents' Organization(非营利组织)是一个非盈利组织,倡导child's right to love and be cared for by both parents. The organization encourages shared parenting and works to protect equal rights, as well as equal responsibilities, for both parents.

Organizations that focus on equal care for both parents may not seem to be focused on the rights of the father, however, by striving for equality they ensure that mothers and fathers have the same rights.

NPO has affiliates in many states to provide volunteer opportunities and resources in support of their family court reform mission. You can start your own affiliate organization or join a current one, currently available in the following states:

  • Alabama
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin

Dads Divorce

Dads Divorceis dedicated to educating fathers on the issues ofdivorce, child custody, and child support. The website provides great tools, like a child support calculator or list of state divorce laws.

Fathers looking for information and a support network about divorce and child custody can explore the Cordell & Cordell'sMen's Divorce Podcastby the same producers. There is also a forum that connects fathers in similar situations. Additional resources provided include:

  • Divorce guideswhich help dads with the divorce process and financial aspects men often face.
  • An attorney directoryfor men to find divorce and child custody attorneys in their state.
  • Popular sub-forumsinvolving tips from other men who have also experienced divorce before. Subjects include parenting, technology, finances, and more.

Dads America

Dads America, also known as Dads Against Discrimination (DADS), empowers fathers to take charge of their families through father custody options. With the tagline, "Fathers Are Families' Best Bet," the national organization advocates for fathers' rights in legislative and executive entities throughout the United States.

The Dads America organization has at least 17 offices nationwide where you can get information about your rights as a father, how to deal with joint custody problems as a parent, and more.

There is also an online resource page regarding additional organizations in the U.S. like The Fatherhood Coalition in MA and National Congress for Fathers and Children. Fathers can also find information on domestic violence and false allegations against men, select attorneys, publications, and online support.

The Fathers' Rights Movement

TheFathers' Rights Movementis a collective of passionate members who empower fathers to stand up for their rights and educate the public and family court system about the importance of fathers in society. They havemany chapters throughout the United States, U.S. territories, Canada, and internationally which coordinate with location-specific social media pages.

Get information on upcoming rallies, volunteer opportunities, and news. There are also resources like books, state documents and forms, and child support advice. For example, theirfact sheet says that childrenwho have equal and meaningful contact with two fit parents are less likely to:

  • 辍学
  • Run away from home
  • Become pregnant or have an abortion
  • Die by suicide
  • Seek or create an abusive relationship
  • Commit crimes
  • 毒品或酒精

If you or your child are having suicidal thoughts, contact theNational Suicide Prevention Lifelineat988for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911.

The Fathers' Rights Network

TheFathers' Rights Networksupports the idea that every child has two parents they need access to. This free resource provides information on men and family issues, government news, alimony and support, and more. There is even a section dedicated to contacting a congressional office with directions on how to write to legislators and get active in the community.

Fathers looking for parenting support can use the network to understand theimportance of fathersin regard to their child's development:

"There's an awful lot of cultural belief that fathers are second-class citizens," said Joe Kelly, who founded the national advocacy nonprofit Dads and Daughters. "We're not more important than moms, or less. We're different."

Fathers 4 Kids

Fathers 4 Kids, also known as Fathers For Equal Rights (FER), is a national resource for fathers in support of equal rights. There are office services, online courses, and additional benefits for members. Fathers can learn how to establish paternity, determine visitation rights, and represent themselves in court.

FER provides information on a child's right to have quality access to both of their parents and provides low-cost documentation preparation, reduced cost DNA testing, free notary services, and additional benefits to individuals and family members.

2 Sources
Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial processto learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Stevenson MM, Braver SL, Ellman IM, Votruba AM. Fathers, divorce, and child custody. In: Cabrera NJ, Tamix-LeMonda CS, eds.Handbook of Father Involvement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives.2nd ed. Routledge.

  2. Grall T.Custodial mothers and fathers and their child support: 2013. United States Census Bureau.