Elizabeth Scott, MS

Elizabeth Scott, MS



Stress Management, Psychology, Family Counseling


San Diego State University



Elizabeth Scott, MS, is awellness coach, author, and award-winning blogger. She holds a Master in Science degree in counseling with a specialization in family therapy. She has experience as an individual and couples counselor, workshop facilitator, smoking cessation counselor, social science researcher, and educator. She has written many articles about stress management, health, interpersonal skills and relationship dynamics. Her coaching work involves teaching stress management as well as finding meaning and fulfillment, lifestyle balance, prioritizing and goal setting, health maintenance and other life-enhancing habits.

Elizabeth been interviewed on national television and radio, and in national publications such as CNN, Good Housekeeping, Glamour, Essence, Inc. and Woman's Day. On a personal level, her own busy life with work and family has also taught her a great deal about stress management and personal balance.


Elizabeth holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology and a Master of Science degree in counseling, both from San Diego State University. She is currently working toward a doctorate in Psychology. This education has included graduate-level coursework in stress management, health maintenance, positive psychology, mindfulness-based stress reduction, coaching, and mind-body medicine.

Elizabeth has taken several coaching classes through MentorCoach and Wellcoaches, and is certified in Quality of Life Therapy and Coaching (QOLTC), the research-proven branch of positive psychology coaching and therapy pioneered by Dr. Michael Frisch of Baylor University. She's taken writing courses from UCLA and MediaBistro. Elizabeth maintains a membership with The International Positive Psychology Association and Mensa, staying current on the latest research, and reading extensively on stress management and health-related topics for use with clients and in her own life.

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