KWL Strategy Improves Reading Skills

This Visual Organizer Can Help Students Comprehend Information

A teacher helping a student in a classroom.

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The KWL reading strategy is an instructional technique used to improve reading comprehension. It also improves a student's ability to remember the material.KWL is most often used with expository reading materials such as classroom textbooks, research articles, and journalistic pieces.

If you're the parent,caregiveror teacher of a child with a learning disability in reading, consider whether the KWL strategy would meet the child's needs.

The technique can also serve students without learning disabilities who struggle with reading and adults who'd like to improve their comprehension skills.

What Does KWL Stand For?

The letters KWL stand for "Know," "Want to Know," and "Learned."In the KWL technique, readers are first asked to consider what they already know about the subject before they read the material. For example, say they're reading a book in class about Italian food. In the "Know" column, they would jot down the names of Italian foods they're familiar with, such as pizza, pasta, and lasagna.

当学生完成“知道”一步,they move on to the "Want" column (sometimes called the "Wonder" column). Here they write down what they want to learn about the subject from the passage. Given that Italian food is the subject at hand, they could write that they hope to find out how to make pizza from scratch.

Third, students read the passage and then summarize what they learned from the reading. Perhaps they didn't learn how to make pizza from scratch in the column but found out how gelato is made. They would write this down in the "Learned" column.

KWL in the Classroom

学生可以填写KWL图表,但老师rs frequently have students use the graphic organizer in pairs or small groups. The group notetaker can write down what each student knew about the topic, what they wanted to know, and what they learned.

Alternatively, students can fill out KWL sheets independently and discuss each step with the group.

Students are encouraged to share their results with others to increase understanding, active participation, and interest, which improves overall comprehension and retention of materials read.

Can It Help With Homework?

Yes. KWL can be used at home to improve comprehension of homework reading assignments. Keep KWL worksheets in a folder or notebook for students to use as study guides for tests as the school year progresses.


Use a longKWL worksheetfor longer reading passages. Use a short KWL worksheet for shorter reading passages. Students with learning disabilities and/or ADHD may do better when chapters are broken into subsections using several shorter worksheets rather than doing the whole chapter with one KWL worksheet.

KWL notes can be brief but must include enough detail to be meaningful to the student in the future. Children can discuss what they've learned with parents at home.

KWL is just one of manygraphic organizersstudents can use to give their literacy skills a boost. If KWL proves ineffective for your children, consider using another strategy to meet their needs.

2 Sources
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  1. Texas A&M University Academic Success Center.Reading strategies: the KWL method.

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