The Basics of Breastfeeding

Everything You Need to Know to Get Started

Woman breastfeeding

Verywell / Ellen Lindner

Just like pregnancy and childbirth, you may have heard other people's stories abouttheirexperiences withbreastfeeding. It worked out beautifully for one person and went horribly wrong for another. You can certainly end up feeling overwhelmed by all of the information you're getting. Let's demystify the process by focusing on the basics of breastfeeding. Here's what you need to know to get started.

Your Breasts During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, the milk-making glands in your breasts begin to grow and develop. Hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, andprolactinplay a major role in preparing your breasts to feed your baby.

As your pregnancy goes on, your breasts will get bigger. Yourareola, the circular area surroundingyour nipple, will become darker. These are good signs that the hormones are doing their jobs and your body is preparing to producebreast milkfor your baby.

When to Start Breastfeeding

Start breastfeeding as soon as possible after your baby is born. Ideally, you should try yourfirst breastfeedingwithin the first hour after birth.

Most babies are very alert and interested in nursing in the first two hours of life. Even if they are only able to feed in short spurts before getting tired, that might be just enough for them early on, and these attempts will prompt your breasts to make more milk.

If you have to deliver by cesarean section, you can still breastfeed.Breastfeeding after a c-sectionmay be a bit more challenging as your body heals, but it's definitely achievable and healthy for you and your baby. With a little support to help you position your baby comfortably, you may be able to breastfeed once you are settled in the recovery room.

You may have a lot of concerns about breastfeeding your newborn. Many hospitals and birthing centers have lactation consultants on hand to help guide you through the early days, and midwives and doulas are often trained to help new parents get the hang of breastfeeding. Some common questions you may have include:

Especially at first, your baby will likely feed briefly but very often. This is normal and will help you establish a good milk supply. As the days go on, your baby's breastfeeding pattern will signal to your body how much breast milk to make. Your milk supply will naturally adjust to their demands.

What Is Latching On?

The way a baby takes the breast into their mouth to feed is called thebreastfeeding latch, and it is very important. A good breastfeeding latch means your baby will be able to remove the milk from your breasts efficiently, which should keep your milk supply steady and plentiful.It also helps you avoidblistersandsore nipples.

Guiding a newborn tolatch correctlymay take some trial and error. To latch properly, your baby should be latching onto your entire nipple as well as some of your areola. If their lips are turned outward (like fish lips) and their chin and nose are touching the breast, those are good signs they've latched on well.

If your baby has taken just your nipple into their mouth, gently use a finger to break the suction between their mouth and your breast and try to reposition them.

Breastfeeding Positions

An effective breastfeeding position encourages a good breastfeeding latch.You can choose to breastfeed in any position that you feel comfortable. You can try the commonbreastfeeding positions(or "holds") to see what you like or find your own.

For newborns who have trouble latching, many breastfeeding parents find thelaid-backposition orcross-cradleposition to be helpful. However, it's a good idea to try a fewdifferent positionsso that you can alternate them. By changing your breastfeeding holds from feeding to feeding, your baby can drain milk from different areas of your breast.

Production and Stages of Breast Milk

Breast milkis produced based on supply and demand. Basically, the more frequently and effectively your baby breastfeeds, the more milk you'll make.Your breast milk goes through three main stages in the first weeks of life.

  • Days 0 to 5: During the first few days of breastfeeding, you'll mainly makecolostrum. It has a yellow or orange tint and is thick, rich, and filled with essential nutrients and immunoglobulins.You won't make a lot of colostrum, but it will fill your just-born baby's tiny belly with everything they need.
  • Days 5 to 14: Your breast milk will increase in amount, or "come in," around the third or fourth day. At this time, your breasts will feel much fuller and heavier as your breast milk changes from colostrum totransitional milk(a crossover between colostrum and mature milk).
  • Day 14 onward: By around the second week, your breasts will producemature milk. This milk has a thinner consistency at the start of a feeding and is thicker and more nutrient-dense at the end.

When it's time to breastfeed, you may feelyour breasts filling up. Then, a few minutes into the feeding, you may feel a release. This release of breast milk is called thelet-down reflexor milk ejection.The let-down reflex is also responsible foryour breasts leakingwhen your baby cries or it's close to feeding time. It's a normal physiologic response.

How to Tell If Your Baby Is Getting Enough Breast Milk

While it's a very common concern for many first-time parents, it's rare that a person will not be able to make enough breast milk for their baby. If your baby is latching on correctly, and breastfeeding every two to three hours, your body should make enough breast milk.

To be sure, you can keep an eye out for thesignsthat your baby is getting enough milk. Your baby should be:

If you are concerned about your baby's weight gain or feeding, don't hesitate to check with your pediatrician and/or a certified lactation consultant.

Breastfeeding Supplies

One of the great things about breastfeeding is that you already have everything you need to breastfeed successfully: your breasts and your baby. You don't have to buy any additional supplies.

However, there are a variety of helpfulbreastfeeding productsavailable, and some parents swear by them. If your baby has trouble latching on, a lactation consultant may recommendbreast shellsornipple shields. Many parents appreciatenursing padsto help protect clothes from leaking breasts. And a greatnursing bracan help keep you comfortable and make breastfeeding away from home easier.

What About Pumping?

Many breastfeeding people use a breast pump. Some occasionally pump to relievebreast engorgementor to give their baby an occasional bottle, while others regularly pump because they areworking outside their home. Some people decide to泵只.If you pump regularly, find abreast pumpandstorage bagsor containers that work for your lifestyle.

Taking Care of Yourself

Recovering from childbirth while breastfeeding can be exhausting. If you have other children, it can be even harder. But to take care of your baby, you must take care of yourself, too.

It's essential that you take the time to heal and rest. That includes taking naps to counterpostpartum fatigue, nourishing yourself withhealthy food, stayinghydrated, and making time forgentle exercise.

Breastfeeding Stages and Weaning

Breastfeeding changes as your baby grows. From round-the-clock nursing sessions during thenewborn stageto introducingsolid foodsalong with breast milk, there are severalstages of breastfeeding.

Everyone has a different approach forweaningtheir baby. There is no right or wrong time to transition from breastfeeding, so you should do what feels right for you. Talking to your doctor or midwife, your child's pediatrician, and other parents can help you gather the information you need to make the final phase of breastfeeding as sweet and satisfying for you and your baby as the beginning.

11 Sources
Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read oureditorial processto learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
  1. Alex A, Bhandary E, McGuire KP.Anatomy and physiology of the breast during pregnancy and lactation. In: Alipour S, Omranipour R, eds.Diseases of the Breast during Pregnancy and Lactation. Vol 1252. Springer International Publishing; 2020:3-7. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-41596-9_1

  2. Kent JC, Gardner H, Geddes DT.Breastmilk production in the first 4 weeks after birth of term infants.Nutrients. 2016;8(12):756. doi:10.3390/nu8120756

  3. Prior E, Santhakumaran S, Gale C, Philipps LH, Modi N, Hyde MJ.Breastfeeding after cesarean delivery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of world literature.Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;95(5):1113–1135. doi:10.3945/ajcn.111.030254

  4. Bouchet-Horwitz J.Ensuring breastfeeding success.Child Obse Nutr. 2015;7(4):208-211. doi:10.1177/1941406415595077

  5. Goyal RC, Banginwar AS, Ziyo F, Toweir AA.Breastfeeding practices: Positioning, attachment (latch-on) and effective suckling - A hospital-based study in Libya.J Family Community Med. 2011;18(2):74–79. doi:10.4103/2230-8229.83372

  6. Kent JC, Prime DK, Garbin CP.Principles for maintaining or increasing breast milk production.J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurs. 2012;41(1):114–121. doi:10.1111/j.1552-6909.2011.01313.x

  7. Hurley WL, Theil PK.观点在科罗拉多州的免疫球蛋白trum and milk.Nutrients. 2011;3(4):442–474. doi:10.3390/nu3040442

  8. American Academy of Pediatrics.Transitional milk and mature milk.

  9. Gardner H, Kent JC, Lai CT, et al.Milk ejection patterns: an intra- individual comparison of breastfeeding and pumping.BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015;15:156. doi:10.1186/s12884-015-0583-3

  10. American Academy of Pediatrics.How to tell if baby is getting enough milk.

  11. Flaherman VJ, Hicks KG, Huynh J, Cabana MD, Lee KA.Positive and negative experiences of breast pumping during the first 6 months.Matern Child Nutr. 2016;12(2):291–298. doi:10.1111/mcn.12137

Additional Reading
  • American Academy of Pediatrics.新妈妈的Br指南eastfeeding. Bantam Books; 2011.

  • Lawrence RA, Lawrence RM.Breastfeeding A Guide For The Medical Profession, Seventh Edition. Mosby; 2011.

  • Riordan J, Wambach K.Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, Fourth Edition. Jones and Bartlett Learning; 2014.

ByMelissa Kotlen
Melissa Kotlen is an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant and Registered Lactation Consultant.