Best Baby Gifts for Parents of Twins

What's the bestgift for babytwins? There's no way around it;parents of multiplesneed a lot of stuff to assist in their care and to make life a little easier. However, it has to be the right stuff; some things are better off in quantity, while others demand quality. Here are some gift suggestions that would be appreciated by most new parents of twins, triplets, or more.


Infant Care Items

Pile of baby shower gifts
Agnieszka Kirinicjanow / E+ / Getty Images

With twins on the way, parents are often focused on providing the big stuff and the basics—two cribs, two car seats, etc. So, as a thoughtful gift, especially for first-time parents, consider a collection of infant health and safety products.

Group together several small items such as medicine dispensers, diaper rash ointment, thermometer, burp rags, infant pain reliever or nail clippers. Or create a themed gift by packaging a selection of bath accessories in an infant bathtub.



Diapers, diapers, and more diapers! Newborn twins may undergo up to twenty diaper changes a day.Before you buy a caseload of Pampers, however, confirm whether parents prefer disposable or cloth diapers and provide accordingly.


Offers of Help

The greatest thing you can give is yourself. Babysit—for an hour or overnight, whatever you're comfortable with. Time to take a quiet walk alone means so much to new parents! Be specific in your offer: Offer to run errands, or sit in the car with the babies so mom can get out and do them.

Offer to cook dinner or pay for take-out. Arrange to do dishes, laundry, housecleaning, yard work, or car washing. Once you make the offer, follow through. Don't wait for new parents to ask for help.


Lightweight Umbrella Stroller

Stroller style is a hotly debated topic in the multiples community, and most parents will put a lot of thought (and money) into the purchase of a heavy duty model. However, most families encounter a need at some time for a lightweight, portable double umbrella stroller—or twosingle strollers.


Nursing Pillow or Boppy

Whether bottle or breastfeeding, mothers will find many uses for these handy pillows. They're an invaluable aid to nursing mothers, supporting the weight of the babies and freeing up mom's hands tobreastfeed them simultaneously. Boppy pillows, such as the Twin Z pillow, are also fun props for playtime, giving babies a little extra support before they learn to sit up on their own.


Bouncer Seat

New parents can always use an extra set of hands to hold babies. You can't give them that, but you can give them the next best thing—a bouncer seat to keep baby secure and happy. Although double and triple bouncers are available from specialty stores, a single seat is also a welcome gift.

父母会欣赏有不止一个;他们're handy holders for babies while feeding, sleeping, or playing. Some models include vibrating motion, toys, or music.


Foot Rattles

If you need a small, inexpensive gift, you can't go wrong with these. Give one pack that two babies can share, or buy a set for each baby. Foot rattles—socks with colorful characters and rattles—serve the dual purpose of entertaining baby and contributing to motor development. And they keep tiny toes toasty too.


Personalized or Twin-Themed Gifts

找些东西g more personal and less practical? Consider a twin-themed gift. Frames, prints, and clothing can be personalized to commemorate the arrival of twins and welcome them to the world. Shop atStuff4multiples.comor one of the other stores featured in this list of products for multiples.


Something for Mom

Babies get showered with gifts, and they never even know it. Give a gift to the person that really deserves to be celebrated—Mom! She'll appreciate anything that boosts her energy and makes her feel pretty and pampered. Look for twin-themed mom jewelry personalized with the new babies' names and birthdates. (Shop for mom bracelets at

Or consider a gift certificate to a spa, beauty salon, house cleaning service, or clothing store. Unless you're sure she'll welcome it, don't give a membership to a gym, and forget about books unless they're about baby care. She won't have much time for reading!


A Word About Clothes

It's such fun to pick out cute outfits for multiples, and certainly, they require a lot of clothing. However, it can be difficult to predict sizes and styles in advance. Wait until the babies are born, and then discuss their needs with the parents before purchasing. Some parents prefer matching outfits while others oppose it.

If you do give clothing, be sure to leave the tags on, and provide a gift receipt so that your gift can be returned or exchanged. Better yet, give a gift certificate. Or consider practical, inexpensive clothing options like cute onesies for twins.

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  1. KidsHealth from Nemours.Diapering your baby.

ByPamela Prindle Fierro
Pamela Prindle Fierro is the author of several parenting books and the mother of twin girls.