If you're awaiting the arrival of twins or more, you may be wondering what to buy and what to pass by. Use this guide for shopping for baby products for twins. Do you really need two of everything?
Shortly after the monumental discovery that we were expecting twins, my husband commented, "I guess this means we're going to need more stuff!" We'd already started shopping for items for one baby, and I was ready to hit the stores to double up on everything else!
But we learned from experience that we didn't really have to have two of everything for twins. The market for baby products is immense, as marketers realize that they can sell pretty much anything to people with babies or pets. But don't be lured in by the marketing.
You don't necessarily need two of everything for twins.
Things to Share
In general, twins' anti-sharing attitudes don't develop for several months after birth, so parents can get away with much more communal property while they're still infants. Take advantage of that time by buying only one and letting them share. One big-ticket item that can be shared for several months is acrib. Another is a bassinet. They'll actually enjoy the coziness of sharing the space while they're infants; enjoy that while it lasts! (It doesn't last long.)
In addition to sleeping arrangements, much of the other furniture and storage organizers that you'd buy for babies can be shared, such as dressers and bureaus. If you have the floor space or the budget and want to purchase more than one, they will probably utilize it down the road, but in the meantime, one unit will meet both their needs. They can also share play yards, play pens, gates, and other such items.
- Crib/Bassinette
- Nursery Furniture
- Diaper bag
- Baby Monitor
- Play Yards, playpen
- Stroller
- Boppy Pillow
Things They Use One at a Time
There are some baby items that are only used one at a time, so there's no reason to double up. One example is a diaper changing table. Even if you have lots of helpers, you're not likely to change both babies simultaneously all the time. One changing table will suffice. (You can set up alternative changing stations in other locations of the house.) Another item is a baby bathtub for infants. They're not big enough to accommodate two babies, so each baby can take a turn in it.
在大多数情况下我提倡购买任何两个type of toy, there are some baby toys that can be used one at a time. Play gyms and play mats for infants are one example. Don't invest in more that one, but rather let them take turns with two different items.
- Changing Table
- Some toys
- Diaper Pail
- Baby Bathtub
- Baby Care items (thermometer, nail clippers, bulb syringe, brush, lotions, and soaps)
Things to Try Before You Buy Two
Some baby items may be useful in duplicate, but you may want to try getting by singly at first. Start with one, and see how your babies take to it before making the investment in another one. Exersaucer, walkers, jumpers, and activity centers are a waste of money if your babies don't fully enjoy them. They're only utilized for a few months anyway.
- Exersaucer
- Walker
- Jumper
- Swing
- Mobile
- Sling, Snugli carrier or backpack carrier
Things to Have Two Of
Most parents agree that there are some things that definitely need to be doubled. Bouncy seats are very handy as an extra set of hands, for feeding, playing and even sleeping. Plan to have at least one per baby. Double high chairs make mealtime more manageable.
If you're planning to bathe your older babies or toddlers simultaneously, you'll definitely need more than one bath seat.
You'll make life much easier by stocking up on all the little items that they'll both want when they see their twin has one: sippy cups, pacifiers, snuggly toys, teethers, and rattles.
Finally, there is one item that you absolutely must have two of — car seats. You won't get far — not even home from the hospital — unless each and every baby is properly restrained. It's one thing that they should never share.
- Car Seats
- Bouncy Seats
- High Chairs
- Bath Seats
- "In Demand" Toys